
CEO Message

Dear Members of FORMUL.Inc.

I am deeply honored to serve as a member of this nonprofitable foundation, and I want to take a moment to share my gratitude for your unwavering support in our mission to empower future generations through education and all immigrants through facilitation of settlement.

In a world driven by profit, our foundation stands as a beacon of hope, emphasizing the true value of knowledge and awareness raising. Our commitment to education goes beyond monetary gains; it's about nurturing minds, fostering creativity, and providing opportunities for those who need it most.

Your dedication and contributions, whether through time, expertise, or resources, are the cornerstone of our success. Together, we will make significant strides in providing quality services, breaking down barriers, and helping people reach their full potential. Our collective impact is immeasurable.

As we look to the future, let us be inspired by the transformative power of education and our shared vision of a brighter, more equitable world. With your continued support, we can reach new heights and continue to change lives for the better.

Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. Your commitment to our cause is the driving force behind our mission, and together, we can shape a better tomorrow through the gift of education.


With sincere appreciation,

Chairman of Foundation



Our vision is a world where refugees are empowered to rebuild their lives with dignity, education, and equal opportunities. We envision a future where immigrants are integrated into their new communities, have access to essential resources, and can exercise their rights and fulfill their responsibilities.


Empowering refugees' successful integration through educational programs on rights, responsibilities, and compliance with host country laws, and policies.

  1. Compassion: 2. Empowerment:  3. Integrity:  4. Cultural Sensitivity:  5. Sustainability: 6. Innovation: 7. Advocacy: 

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