Cultural/Religious Programs

Program Summary:

Cultural, Native Language, and Religious Education Program

The Cultural, Native Language, and Religious Education Program, a flagship initiative by F.O.R.M.U.L, INC., embodies a commitment to preserving and celebrating cultural heritage while fostering a deep understanding of native languages and religious teachings.

Mission Statement:

This program is dedicated to preserving, promoting, and passing on the rich tapestry of cultural traditions, native languages, and religious teachings to future generations. F.O.R.M.U.L, INC. endeavors to create an inclusive space where individuals can explore, embrace, and celebrate their cultural identity and spiritual beliefs.

Program Objectives:

  • Cultural Preservation: Safeguard and propagate diverse cultural practices, rituals, and traditions for posterity.
  • Native Language Revitalization: Facilitate the learning and preservation of native languages, ensuring their continuity and relevance.
  • Religious Education: Offer comprehensive religious education that promotes tolerance, understanding, and respect for various faith traditions.


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