
Mohammad Amin Ayoubi

Education: Bachelors' Degree
Phone: 9168891646
Email: info@formul-inc.org

Mohammad Amin Ayoubi Bachelor's degree in Journalism from the Faculty of Journalism, Kabul University in 2012. For more than twenty years, I have been working in non-governmental and international organizations in operational, administrative, procurement, and public relations departments. However, my first professional assignment was as a calligrapher at the IRC printing press in Peshawar, Pakistan, which marked the beginning of my work experience in the field of calligraphy and penmanship. I learned the art of calligraphy during my teenage years at Gholam Mohammad Maimanagy's school and, for four years, alongside my studies, I worked on writing plaques and banners. I am interested in martial arts, and twenty years ago, I was a coach at the Tai Chi Kung Fu sports club. During the same period, I also taught calligraphy classes for some time. One of my favorite hobbies is football, which I still play currently.

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